Market Development Strategies For Your Business
Marketing managers and business leaders have to ponder the following
questions before implementing any type of market
development strategy: Will it be profitable? Will it require the
introduction of new or products or production materials?
Is the market research thorough?
Marketing managers tend to use the following four groups to
while making the market segment decision: existing
customers, competitor customers, non-buying in current
segments, new segments. Below is a quick mathematical
model flow chart to explain how new customer visits to
your site can translate into actual sales/purchases.
This is what is traditionally referred to as conversion
rates. Call us today and let us help you increase
traffic and overall conversion rates.


Nuvocorp is an internet marketing services firm which offers total internet marketing system development for business. Whether you are looking for
SEM search engine marketing, SEO search engine optimization,
SMM social media marketing, MDS market development strategies,
CVP corporate video testimonial or ORM online reputation management, Nuvocorp is on of the best internet marketing services companies in Toronto-Ottawa-Canada.